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Maryland Gov. Wes Moore To Issue Mass Pardon of 175,000 Cannabis Convictions

A blanket pardon of cannabis-related conviction will help to clean up some of the mess impacting the state of Maryland…

7 days ago

Arizona’s Social Equity Program Isn’t Living Up to the Hype

According to Arizona social equity applicants and community members, the state’s cannabis program isn’t operating as intended. The passage of…

2 weeks ago

NOT TRAPPED: the Hesh take.

When you’re a minority and you say you work in cannabis, or with cannabis, everyone automatically thinks you’re trapping. Growing…

1 month ago

Beyond the blunt: 8 BIPOC-owned accessories brands to shake up your sesh

Shopping for cannabis accessories from minority brands? Here are 8 BIPOC brands with smoking hot accessories to add to your…

2 years ago

New Jersey Congressman Outraged that Not One Cannabis License Issued to Black-Owned Businesses

Representative Donald M. Payne, Jr. issued an official statement on January 28, announcing his disapproval that not a single cannabis…

2 years ago