cannabis consumption

Report on Trucking, Cannabis Finds Most Drivers Support Testing Reform

The impacts of cannabis legalization on the trucking industry, namely the recent decline in drivers due to strict rules on…

2 years ago

Study: Pot Use Linked With Lower Risk of Liver Disease

Consuming alcohol is a well-known cause of liver damage, but the opposite may hold true for smoking pot. That is…

2 years ago

Washington Governor Signs Bill to Protect Employees from Drug Testing for THC

Washington state will soon provide measures to protect employees from pre-employment drug tests for cannabis in many situations. On May…

2 years ago

Doctors Warn Seniors About Consuming Too Much THC

Due to an uptick of incidents involving seniors consuming too much cannabis, doctors are warning older citizens about how to…

2 years ago

Poll Explores New Jersey Consumer Attitudes, Habits Year Into Market Launch

Stockton University released the results of a new poll of 660 New Jersey residents April 25, 2023, exploring consumer attitudes…

2 years ago

Zurich To Launch Cannabis Legalization Pilot Program

The government of Switzerland has approved a plan to legalize the possession and consumption of cannabis in the city of…

2 years ago

Cannabis Pilot Program Kicks Off in Switzerland

Weed is for sale in one of the largest cities in Switzerland—for a select few, anyway. The country officially launched…

2 years ago

Study Shows Rise in Weed-Related Emergency Room Visits Among Older Adults

A new study by researchers at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine has revealed a dramatic spike…

2 years ago

U.S. Youth Ditch Alcohol for Cannabis in Record Numbers, Study Says

American youth are smoking pot more than ever before, but according to the same data, they are dropping booze habits…

2 years ago