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New Law Gives Seattle Dispensary Employees Stronger Labor Protections

A newly enshrined ordinance in Seattle will give cannabis dispensary workers in the city stronger labor protections, part of an…

11 months ago

U.S. Forest Service Reminds Employees That They Are Still Subject to Federal Law

On June 22, U.S. Forest Service (USFS) deputy chief for business operations Tony Dixon published a statement exploring the relationship…

12 months ago

New Mexico Cannabis Jobs Pay More Than Accommodation, Food Service

A recent report published by the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions shows that individuals—specifically ex-accommodation and food service employees—who…

1 year ago

New Jersey Lays Out Guidance For Cannabis Rules in the Workplace

Regulators in New Jersey last week issued fresh employment guidance for cannabis use among workers, as the state navigates through…

2 years ago

D.C. Council Says Workers Can’t Get Fired for Pot

Workers in the nation’s capital won’t have to worry about getting canned over cannabis, under a bill passed by the…

2 years ago