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Orangutan Observed Using Medicinal Herb To Heal Wound

Biologists from the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior, Konstanz, Germany and Universitas Nasional, Indonesia observed a large male orangutan…

8 months ago

Cannabis Plantation Burned by Indonesian Authorities After Discovered by Drones

The Associated Press reports that authorities in Indonesia burned a marijuana plantation “after it was discovered by drones.” “A joint…

1 year ago

Harvard Grad Student Dies in Bali From Police Brutality Over Cannabis Arrest

Rodrigo Ventocilla Ventosilla, 32, a Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) graduate student from Peru, died on August 11 while under police…

2 years ago

The Fight for Medical Cannabis in Indonesia

Moms for medical cannabis reform is a powerful political and legal concept. Such campaigns have managed to change cannabis laws…

2 years ago