Joe Biden

The First Trump/Biden Presidential Debate: Who Is This For?

The first 2020 Presidential Debate was just as messy as we thought it would be. So who was it for?

4 years ago

Dear Joe Biden: Here’s the data, now it’s time to embrace marijuana legalization

Dear Joe Biden, Congratulations! You’ve officially chosen a running mate who—despite previously opposing cannabis—is now fully on board with federal…

4 years ago

Cannabis leaders react to Biden’s choice of Kamala Harris: Will she help or hurt marijuana legalization?

In 2016, Harris laughed at California's legalization measure. Four years later she accepts legalization—but will she move Biden on the…

4 years ago

The Final Democratic Debate: Fact Checks, Lies, And Videotape

The last Democratic debate featured Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, and Joe Biden’s lies.

4 years ago

Super Tuesday results: What they mean for cannabis

Now its Biden v. Sanders. One boosted the war on drugs, the other wants to end it. The post Super…

4 years ago