
Election 2020: Arizona marijuana legalization initiative guide

Some of the donors who defeated Arizona's 2016 legalization bid are now in prison. 2020 could be the year Arizonans…

5 years ago

Election 2020: Montana cannabis legalization guide

Montana advocates overcame a COVID-19 shutdown to put adult-use cannabis legalization on the Nov. 2020 ballot. Early polls are favorable.…

5 years ago

Election 2020: Mississippi medical marijuana legalization guide

Initiative 65 would legalize the use of medical marijuana. A rival measure, 65A, would derail the whole dang thing. The…

5 years ago

Election 2020: Idaho medical marijuana legalization guide

Everything you need to know about Idaho's medical marijuana legalization initiative, on the Nov. 2020 ballot—maybe. The post Election 2020:…

5 years ago

Richard DeLisi, 71, suffers in Florida prison while others make millions on marijuana

While DeLisi pushes a walker around his cell, Florida medical marijuana companies will bring in $800 million this year. The…

5 years ago

How the war on drugs killed Breonna Taylor

Breonna Taylor's death is a direct result of the war on drugs. Examine how the police harmed yet another innocent…

5 years ago

Border Patrol keeps seizing legal cannabis far from border in California

And it's costing fledgling businesses—licensed by the state, and following the rules—millions of dollars. The post Border Patrol keeps seizing…

5 years ago

Canada’s cannabis pardon program is failing. Here’s why

More than a year after Canada went legal, only 436 people have applied. Is the process too burdensome? The post…

5 years ago

California cannabis arrests down 27%, but racial disparities increase

California cops recorded the fewest cannabis arrests since 1954, but racial disparities actually grew worse. The post California cannabis arrests…

5 years ago