Science & tech

Why isn’t the endocannabinoid system taught in medical schools?

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a bodily system that works with all other systems to maintain optimal functionality. But did you…

5 years ago

The latest in cannabis research from summer/fall 2019

Catch up on some of the most notable cannabis research from the second half of 2019, such as new discoveries…

5 years ago

Does cloning ruin cannabis strains over time?

Science says that clones are exact copies of their mother—so why do some strains degrade after years of cloning? Read…

5 years ago

The most important cannabis science stories of 2019

Check out what researchers found out about cannabis with the best studies from 2019. The post The most important cannabis…

5 years ago

Cannabis IQ drop is myth, new twin study confirms

A new twin study finds that genetic and environmental factors—not cannabis—drove IQ down over time. The post Cannabis IQ drop…

5 years ago