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McCormick Sues Cannabis Company Over Parody Sticker

Annapolis, Maryland-based cannabis company Crabcakes & Cannabis®, pulled a popular parody sticker after receiving a cease-and-desist letter from McCormick &…

1 year ago

Nike Challenges Trademark of Hemp Company Slogan ‘Just Hemp It’

Nike is one of the largest footwear and athletic gear companies in the world, known for its familiar slogan “Just…

2 years ago

Mars Wrigley Wins Lawsuit Against Cannabis Companies Selling Skittles Trademark

Mars Canada Inc., global candy giant and Mars Wrigley, which oversees confections such as of M&M’S®, SNICKERS®, ORBIT®, EXTRA® and Skittles®,…

3 years ago

Candy Giant Mars Wrigley Sues Cannabis Brands For Copyright Infringement

Mars Wrigley has filed multiple lawsuits against cannabis brands, accusing them of trademark infringement.

4 years ago