
California eighths are averaging $34 for the holidays

Leafly's December report on California cannabis prices, markets, and trends. The post California eighths are averaging $34 for the holidays…

5 years ago

Immaculate conception: little-known secret about starting a legal cannabis industry

Ever wonder where the plants come from when a state legalizes cannabis? Behold: immaculate conception. The post Immaculate conception: a…

5 years ago

Why Tegridy Christmas Snow Makes Good Point about Legal Drugs

These four talking points is incredibly important in the greater drug narrative. We live in a society that spends trillions…

5 years ago

Cannabis Christmas Edibles – How to Make the Whole Family More Jolly

It is not too different to cook with cannabis than traditional cooking, but there are some aspects to keep in…

5 years ago

How Cannabis Can Help in Drug Rehabilitation Programs

As a form of pain relief, marijuana can actually help patients as they go through the process of purging their…

5 years ago

Hemp cleans toxic soil and produces clean CBD flower, study finds

Researchers found that stressing hemp with toxic soil actually boosted CBD levels. The post Hemp cleans toxic soil and produces…

5 years ago

Marijuana Can Treat Histamine Intolerance

Research shows that cannabidiol could prevent mast cells from releasing histamine into the bloodstream. It also helps with inflammation. Mast…

5 years ago

Fracking Marijuana – How the Oil Markets Show the Future Price of Cannabis

In some ways, marijuana is like oil; there is a cost to get it out of the ground, there are…

5 years ago

CBD for Horses – Yes, Horses Can Use CBD Oil

CBD treatment is not new to treating horses and companies like Centaur Health and CannaHorse are now adding CBD for…

5 years ago

The 10 Most Astonishing Cannabis Stats on the Internet

Total Spend on legal cannabis will hit $57 billion worldwide by 2027  - According to a report by Forbes, the…

5 years ago