CNN’s Daily Anti-Pot Headlines Get Clicks, But Their Latest Documentary on Cannabis for Autism is Stellar

The first WEED documentary aired in 2013 discussed the stigma attached to using weed. Dr. Gupta’s 2013 CNN article was titled “Why I changed my mind on weed.” This article was the exact opposite of the article he wrote in his 2009 TIME article “Why I would vote No on Pot.”  In his CNN 2013 article, Dr. Sanjay Gupta apologized for allowing the stigma associated with cannabis to hinder him from seeing the benefits of the plant. He wrote that the main reason of the article was to apologize for his earlier ignorance on issues relating to cannabis. He had failed to have a in-depth look into the published benefits of cannabis. In addition to this, he stated that he was extremely dismissive of the uniform testimonies of legal cannabis patients whose symptoms were alleviated by the treatments formulated from remarkable research