Dry herb vaporizers require much more power compared to heating oil (or wax). This is why herb vaporizers tend to have bigger batteries and are bulkier, which make them less portable for many. And since dry herb consumes so much more power quicker, they need to be charged more than oil vape batteries.
As the movement for marijuana legalization gains momentum across the United States, a significant barrier…
Conventional treatments prescribed to treat autoimmune conditions are focused on taming inflammation; these usually include…
Discover deals like daily $10 eighths for the holiday weekend and beyond at Giving Tree…
Verilife Non-Medical Cannabis is now available in Ohio. Open to customers 21+ with a valid…
At Verilife, there's always a stocked selection of top products & new favorites. Find the…
At Verilife, there's always a stocked selection of top products & new favorites. Find the…