The distinction between CBG and other minor cannabinoids is that Cannabigerol is the main producer of THC and CBD. This may sound confusing, but the explanation is that all cannabinoids were formed from their acidic precursors. In this case, CBGA (the acidic precursor of CBG) is produced in extreme amounts in cannabis plants, however, as the plant matures, most of it is converted to THCA and CBDA (both are acidic precursors of THC and CBD respectively). A very little amount of CBGA is converted to CBG. For this very reason, CBG is commonly referred to as the mother of all cannabinoids.
But here's where things get interesting, especially if you're a pharmaceutical executive. By the study's…
Massachusetts regulators have mandated that all cannabis products must undergo testing at a single, licensed…
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In a significant development for the burgeoning cannabis industry, the U.S. Census Bureau has reported…
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