Want Free Weed? Move To Italy

Free Weed In Italy

We don’t normally cover news from Italy but this one is too exciting to ignore. In an effort that can only be described as sounding “Too good to be true”, Marijuana is now FREE to qualifying medical marijuana patients in Sicily. Sicily’s top health administrator Ruggero Razza signed a decree that patients with chronic or neuropathic pain, cerebral palsy, or multiple sclerosis will qualify for the government’s subsidized marijuana.

Medical Marijuana Around Europe

The best thing about this news is that Sicily is not the first place in Europe to do this. While digging deeper we learned that governments in Ireland and Czech Republic have largely paid for patients cannabis consumption. The list of European governments that see Marijuana as a viable health product is quickly growing.

Italy’s Booming Cannabis Market

While much of Italy’s cannabis is grown elsewhere, such as The Netherlands and Uruguay, Italy’s climate is almost perfect for hemp production. We expect to see the Cannabis industry booming in Italy in a few short years. It won’t be long before your seeing words like Cabernets and Bordeaux associated with more than just Wine.

For More Information on Free Weed in Italy, Visit The Local.it